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A Tree, A Tub and A Moment In Time 2019

Created by and Artistic Director: TC Howard

A Tree, A Tub and A Moment In Time is a contemporary dance theatre work researched and created to be performed for residents within the care home environment. It followed on from the discoveries made during a short period of R+D in 2016 and continued the desire to transform the care home environment, to bring the 'outside in' and to create a piece of sensory, interactive work that is both ambitious and authentic. The piece involved 3 performers, 2 dancers and a cellist who were all involved in the research and devising of the piece during a 10 day period in Leeds and Sheffield. We aimed to root the work in co authorship with residents of care homes, and as a company embed a state of interactive playfulness and authenticity within the work.


The work premiered at the Ageless festival and touring care homes Nov 2019. ACE funded, supported by Yorkshire Dance and has received further funding to be reworked for an outdoor version April 2021


TC: “We came to fully appreciate how the poetic nature of this work; how the flow of feelings and thoughts in the piece, the sense of timelessness and the layering of imagery allowed a form of imaginative freedom for the residents. How the merging of song with dance, of musical lyricism with soundscape, of humour and pathos, of beauty with the absurd could gently and joyfully co-exist and seemingly reflect and invite the illusive quality of memory, sensory recall and imaginative play. We played with real time, with memories being in sharp focus and others sometimes distant and far away; with smell, sound, touch. We learnt the importance of giving space for each individual to respond in their own way, to engage in a way that was appropriate for them. As a committed team of artists we have become equipped with a deepened skill set and understanding of how to bring meaningful work into this environment.”


“We looked back and there was chatter and laughter. You could feel the room energised with a kind of lightness, like a breath of fresh air.”


We all need boundaries to process a self, and in order to live in a world of relationships and connections - for what other world is there? It’s not a balancing act, quivering and tense on a tightrope hung between two opposing imperatives, but a continuing flux, advancing and retreating; giving and withholding, reaching out into the world and retreating back from it.

Nicci Gerrard - What Dementia Teaches Us About Love.

Cello - Charlotte Watson; Dancers  - Tamar Draper, Nuno Mesquita; Music supervisor - Colin Elliot; Set design and making assistance – Megan Hamber; Costume maker – TC Howard; Producer and creative support – Adie Nivison; Produced by Yorkshire Dance; Video photos by David Lindsay; Rehearsal photos below by TC Howard.

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